Chinese New Year Food
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Newsletter no.: NFD/M/17/01/90 |
Chemlab HK Newsletter Highlight –
Chinese New Year Food
Who doesn’t love sweet treats? Steamed sweet puddings, fried crispy dumplings, sweetened fruits and glutinous rice balls. This sweet flavor of Chinese traditional festive food reminds us Chinese New Year is close and it’s time to celebrate! But before we drown ourselves in sweet aromas and shiny red colors, there are threats hiding behind that nice-looking and colorful appearance from the food. Guess what? The beautiful color that attracts you might be a threat itself already.
In order to meet customer’s expectations and achieve a prolonged shelf-life, sometimes food coloring and preservatives are added into our food. However, what people sometimes missed out is the type and amount they might incorrectly use in their food. For instance, Chinese steamed puddings which used to celebrate Chinese New Year sometimes are found to be associated with benzoic acid due to the usage of flour confectionery puddings. However this compound has been banned by Public Health and Municipal Service Ordinance due to the nature of triggering asthmatic attacks or neurological abnormalities in human body. Therefore new regulations was established and stated that propionic acid should be used as replacement instead.
Imagine if your confectionery business was grounded just because of clumsy suppliers forgotten to check regulations, trust me, nobody would want to take that risk. Don’t worry, to get your food’s coloring and preservatives checked, Chemlab offers HOKLAS-accredited testing services for the detection of food coloring and preservatives in samples from your food, and you definitely able to expect a detailed test report very soon.
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